C. & R.
Vineyard wedding in September

Planning & design: AM-Weddings @alinemercierweddings
Photography: Maïlys Fortune Photography
Flowers: L’Euphorbia, @leuphorbia
Location & wines: Domaine de la Capitaine, @domainelacapitaine
Caterer: le Labo d’Une Petite Robe en Soie,
Photobooth : Roule Ma Poule, @roulemapoule.ch
Welcome board: Mademoiselle C. @mademoiselle_c_ch
Sweetness & joy
The wedding of C&R was a succession of small and big joys, tears of happiness and emotions and bursts of laughter. The idyllic setting offered by the Domaine de la Capitaine, a calm green location, allowed the guests and the bride and groom to enjoy the beautiful weather, the delicious food offered by Manon and to have fun with the Roule Ma Poule photobooth.
The decoration of the cocktail, which was intended to be simple and relaxed, was entirely realized by our team, with the incredible floral compositions of L’Euphorbia.
Our lovers of the day were able to celebrate their civil union with their friends and family, in joy and good mood, without having to take care of the details of planning or tidying up, our team of wedding planners and assistants being present throughout the event.
Livre d'Or
C. & R.
Un grand MERCI ! Notre journée a été plus que parfaite et c’est grâce à toi, on n’aurait pas pu rêver mieux. Merci mille fois pour toute ton implication, et pour avoir rendu notre grand jour encore plus spécial, des millions de bisous !